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The face of fascism

Donosy, Refleksje, Wydarzenia Posted on Sat, August 31, 2024 23:55:06

The Brazilian justice ordered X to block accounts of some opponents of the present regime. X responded that Judge de Moraes demands them to break Brazil’s own laws, so they cannot comply, upon which de Moraes ordered to block Starlink’s bank accounts. Using X will cost Brazilians a fine of 50000 reais (about 9000 dollars). Well, freedom of speech has got a price.

Book club – the Gdansk chapter

Sprawozdania, Uncategorised Posted on Fri, August 23, 2024 10:13:42

See Gdansk and die!

Perhaps better to come back. The book club “Bokklubben” will probably do it. We managed to open a branch here in a fantastic spot filled with modern art and modern technology, with the owner, Wojtek, nominated as our agent.

An essay written in 1995 and published in The Washington Post and The New York Times

Lektura, Sprawozdania Posted on Wed, August 21, 2024 08:38:32

I shall not disclose the author yet. The author describes how leftist mentality has come to dominate in the western world. These are: collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. The two common psychological traits in these groups of people are the feeling of inferiority and hypersocialization.  The latter is particularly characteristic of the intellectual elite. The present name for this mentality  is woke, so this is the term I shall use instead.

Low self-esteem Words which are now forbidden had no derogatory connotations before: “negro”,  “handicapped”, and many more. Negative connotations have been attached  by the activists themselves, which discloses their own feelings that these groups are somehow inferior. It was not black ghetto-dwellers or disabled person that stigmatised the language, only the privileged intellectuals. Political correctness was created at the universities by people who did not feel themselves apt to compete, so they invented a venue for themselves as protectors of the weak. 

They hate strong and successful, they hate white males, they hate rationality, etc. They say they hate the West because it is imperialistic, sexist, but these same faults appearing in primitive cultures are excused, e.g. feminists do not care about women in islam. They are driven by craving for power. Helping black people is not the real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. 

Have you noticed that some words are almost absent in main stream media: “self-confidence”, “self-reliance”, “initiative”, “enterprise”, “optimism”, etc., The dominant narrative is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. Society is to blame and to solve every  problem.   

Genetic explanations of human abilities or behaviour are rejected because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. The concepts of mental illness, or IQ tests are rejected. Society gets the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. The feelings of inferiority run so deep that one cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. One can feel strong only as a member of a large organisation or a mass movement. 

Hypersocial Socialisation of children is training them to think and act as society demands. It would seem that wokes are rebels, but actually these are socially overtrained children who experience that their inner drives sometimes collide with what is demanded of society, which causes feelings of guilt. Wokes are always on high moral grounds and signalling virtue, because deep down inside they are just as any human being: sometimes feeling hatred, envy, drive for power, etc. 

If they rebel, e.g. use violence, they justify their rebellion in terms of mainstream values: they engage in violence to fight against racism. The problems of the woke are indicative of the problems of our society as a whole. Low self- esteem, depressive tendencies and defeatism are not restricted to the left. Though they are especially noticeable in the left, they are widespread in our society. And today’s society tries to socialise us to a greater extent than any previous society. We are even told by experts how to eat, how to exercise, how to make love, how to raise our kids and so forth. 

We can preach equality as much as we want but our psychological reality is social hierarchy. The difference is whether one tries to develop oneself to climb up the hierarchy, or pushes others down the ladder. The latter is the woke style.

Is BBC responsible for riots?

Pytania, Refleksje Posted on Wed, August 21, 2024 08:27:39

Main stream media is the main culprit in all the riots in Europe. Whenever crimes are committed by immigrants the ethnicity of the perpetrators is never disclosed – not to raise racist attitudes. When Pakistanis beat up police at Manchester airport, media focused on police brutality, even if a policewoman got her nose broken. No wonder when they reported that the child killer in Southport was originally from Cardiff no one believed and the gossip started. It turned out the sick kid is a genuine Cardiffian – his parents came to England from Rwanda.

A Polish guy got shot in the presence of his son when he tried to oppose a gang selling narcotics to children in Stockholm. Swedish tv reported that he got in a quarrel with youngsters “Hamnade i konflikt med ungdomar” (got into conflict with youngsters). Everybody knows the ethnicity of these youngsters who terrorise people around, and are not persecuted, unlike “hate speech” directed against them.

The two tier policing overwhelmingly present in Europe is never disclosed by media. Douglas Murrey wrote that British police has not got a single burglar behind bars, but they eagerly imprison anybody who commits hate speech on FB. Who is really the aggressor in UK: muslim gangs or people who oppose them?  A telling fact is that the so called right-wingers are now planting decoy protests in the UK and when the police arrive the only people they find are armed Islamist mobs who mobilized to attack the fake protests. 

The enemies of the people had a conversation

Sprawozdania, Wydarzenia Posted on Wed, August 21, 2024 07:34:07

Musk and Trump had a normal conversation. I have never seen either Kamala or Joe have  an earnest conversation like this. 

Trump is not a stiff politician, he can joke. He said that immigration saved his life: he turned his head to point to a screen with an immigration diagram so the bullet hit his ear not his head.

He is not treated as a human being by media, derided in a similar way as Jews were. I am appalled by the depth of indoctrination against Trump. He is a Hitler. He staged his assassination to get supporters. Democracy will end with him in power. We have hate speech laws but they are never applied to the hate narrative promoted by the main stream media.

Ok, Trump is not ideal, he is narcissistic, he loves to boast, he is like that, so what? Perhaps he would not overdo it so much if he got credit for his achievements from main stream media. Was he a Hitler during his presidency? Did democracy end then? No. He kept in check all the dictators. He used blackmail or threat, and they did not start any new wars. Trump ended wars which Obama (Nobel Peace Price laureate) started. The result of 4 years of Joe and Co is global nuclear warming. Iran got richer, because China buys its oil, which was not possible under Trump who had agreement with China on oil embargo from Iran. Trump warned Germany that it was getting dependent on energy from Russia, and Nordstream was not opened until Joe came to power. Russia is now weaponised, has close relations with North Korea and China. The world has become much more dangerous place under sleepy Joe than it was under Trump Hitler.

His political priorities accord with the wish of his voters. He wants to stop people coming to US. It is only 4% of the Earth population and people are coming from 100% of the Earth.  Venezuela is down 70% convicted criminals because they are deported to the open US border. Crime is on the rise, and at the same time if you try to stop a thief you’re a racist that should be arrested. Europe has been experiencing this for a long time. I wish I got similar people as Elon and Donald on team Sweden. They plan a “government efficiency commission” to cut down unnecessary government spending. Like the present Argentinian president.

I do not give a damn who Trump is – his political program is sound. But I am a stupid sheep.

Are indigenous people endangered species?

Pytania Posted on Mon, August 19, 2024 11:13:26

A typical headline in Swedish media: Swedish gangs in Norway.

IKEA lexicon says that one should say indigenous people instead of Indians. Same refers to Swedes?

IKEA’s woke crusade to educate red neck Poles

Sprawozdania Posted on Sun, August 18, 2024 14:48:06

Apparently IKEA does not believe that other than its Polish customers need to be educated. Hard core Polish catholics have not learnt  politically correct language yet,  so here it comes from IKEA – a lexicon of inclusive Polish. The ambition of IKEA  is to eradicate:

homophobia – discrimination based on psychosexual orientation 

transphobia – discrimination against transgender people 

classism – discrimination based on socio-economic status 

ableism – discrimination based on disability 

ageism – discrimination based on age 

romophobia – discrimination against people from the Roma community

First health issues. There are no psychically sick people (chory psychicznie) only “a person going through psychic crisis”. No autistic person (autystyk) only “a psychically different person”;. No deaf-mute persons only deaf, because a person is not mute if she-he can communicate with sign language. No midgets (karzeł) only short length person “osoba niskorosła”.  

Now sex issues. There are no two sexes, only different sexes “różne płcie”.No sex change operations, only sex correction or coordination “korekcja lub uzgodnienie płci”. No alternative is provided for pervert “dewiant”, the word should not be used at all because there are no perverts any more. Different orientation  “odmienna orientacja” is not proper because it suggests that heterosexualism is the norm – use psychosexual orientation instead “orientacja psychoseksualna”.

Ethnicity. Black person instead of negro “Murzyn”.  Inuit instead of Eskimo. Indigenous people instead of Indians. “Rom” instead of Gypsy “Cygan”, and never use the verb “cyganić”!

Global issues. No third world countries “kraje trzeciego świata” only global north or global south. Never shit countries.  Instead of migrant use “person with refugee experience  or a person on a way” “osoba z doświadczeniem uchodźczym lub osoba w drodze”. Never use illegal migrant – no human being is illegal.

Finally age issues. The elderly deserve respect is a forbidden phrase. It should not be negative, but directed at younger people is a microaggression, because respect is due to every person, regardless of age. Do not use fledgeling “żółtodziób” only  “beginner” “osoba początkująca”.

Świetlana przyszłość

Donosy Posted on Sat, August 17, 2024 18:23:03

Dzisiaj więcej wydajemy na silikonowe biusty i wiagrę niż na badania nad Alzheimerem. Za 20 lat będziemy nadal mieć jędrne piersi i stójkę, ale nikt nie będzie wiedział po co.

Co to?

Pytania Posted on Sat, August 17, 2024 18:17:34

Przedmiot niedrogi, jednak kojarzący się z przepychem?

Moda dla żony kamieniarza

Donosy Posted on Sat, August 17, 2024 18:10:42

czyli mnie: Louis Beton

Czy to jest homofobia?

Pytania Posted on Sat, August 17, 2024 18:08:22

A może najpierw …

Pytania Posted on Sat, August 17, 2024 18:06:47

… wziąć się za naturalną głupotę a potem za sztuczną inteligencję?

Też tak masz?

Refleksje Posted on Sat, August 17, 2024 18:01:46

Fenomenalny karykaturzysta

Donosy Posted on Fri, August 09, 2024 16:41:54

Pablo Lobato to genialny grafik z Buenos Aires, urodzony w Trelew w 1970 roku.

What can I identify as?

Pytania Posted on Sat, August 03, 2024 10:44:36

Telling the truth by mistake

Lingua Posted on Mon, July 08, 2024 07:47:44

Yesterday Swedish public tv news reported on the French parliamentary elections. Riots were expected because preliminary polls showed that the left side would loose. It turned out that it was the right that lost, hence the question was posed: should we expect riots then? The answer: absolutely not!

It is thus obvious that the right does not riot.


Idzie na wojnę płci?

Pytania, Uncategorised Posted on Sat, June 22, 2024 13:55:42

Co lepsze: terror komunistyczny czy terror mafijny?

Refleksje Posted on Fri, April 12, 2024 13:09:12

Lipiec 1976. Jedziemy tramwajem orient express na Angered, ja i Tadzik z Warszawy – studenci z Polski na saksach. Tadzik przystojny, rosły, prawie 2 m wzrostu. Niedaleko nas siedzi jakiś nastolatek i dźga nożem w siedzenie. Jesteśmy tu obcy więc patrzymy po innych pasażerach, ale nikt nie zwraca uwagi. Wreszcie Tadzik nie wytrzymuje i ruga po angielsku młokosa, i … ten przestaje dźgać.

Kwiecień 2024. Polski imigrant Michał jedzie rowerem ze swoim synem na pływalnię. Kiedy przejeżdżają przez tunel natykają się na grupę młokosów handlujących otwarcie narkotykami. Michał się zatrzymuje żeby ich obsztorcować. Jeden z młokosów wyciąga pistolet, Michał próbuje odebrać, dostaje strzał prosto w twarz.

W kraju woke i feminizmu nie ma autorytetów dla młodzieży. Szwecję łatwo przejęła mafia pochodzenia muzułmańskiego, nie było oporu – przecież ci złoczyńcy to ofiary niesprawiedliwości społecznej!

Moja Oda do Szwecji była niestety prorocza. Multikulti to oszustwo.

Chcemy tak jak dawniej Szwedzi tu budować dobry kraj.
Władza twierdzi że to śmierdzi: buduj multikulti raj!
Szwecjo jakże cię lubimy tu bezpieczny czuł się człek
lecz teraz inne reżimy, multikulti nastał wiek.

Na razie wydaje się, że chyba lepszy jest terror mafijny niż komunistyczny, bo panuje na ulicach i to jeszcze nie wszystkich. Gorzej będzie jak przyjdą do domu.

Podpalili już dom, ten, w któ­rym miesz­kam – Szwecję.
Co robić kie­dy pod drzwia­mi sta­ną, i nocą w drzwi za­ło­mo­cą?
Czy ze snu pod­no­sząc skroń, stanę u drzwi i chwycę za broń?
Czy trzeba krwi?

Part III: The Universe is not made of matter, it’s made of what matters

Lektura Posted on Thu, March 07, 2024 21:40:44

George Berkely: Esse est percipi

… but Hoffman does not believe that there is nothing out there, only that we are not capable to get it.

Galileo Gallilei said: “I think that tastes, odours, colours, and so on … reside in consciousness. Hence if the living creature were removed, all these qualities would be wiped out and annihilated.”. But he granted that a tomato which causes these experiences still exists as a body, shape and position. For these properties we see reality as it is. Hoffman encouraged by modern physics goes further: space-time belongs also to our perception. So the body, shape and position of a tomato is what we perceive, not what is. The consequence of this is that the tomato, as we know it, disappears when we do not perceive it!!! I see only my construction of reality, but there is reality out there: there are things that exist when no one sees them. For example: a molecule of C8H8O3 is real, but to us only as the smell and taste of vanilla, the latter requires a perceiver.

This reasoning pushed further gives at hand: given that we perceive our own physical body in the same way as a tomato, then it also disappears without our consciousness! Hence the physical body, including the brain, is secondary, not the origin of consciousness but rather a tool that consciousness uses to navigate and interact with the world. If you will uphold that your conscious experiences are physical, then tell me what is the mass of dizziness? The velocity of headache? The position of the wonder why she won’t call?

Neuroscientists have been searching for consciousness in the brain for several ages now with zero results, so Hoffman got tired. He proposes that consciousness is fundamental and not reducible to physical processes. Hoffman’s theory is stronger than Plato’s shadows of real things. There is no semblance between shadows and reality, e.g. the vanilla flavour and C8H8O3. We are immersed in our headset of time-space not in reality.

Steven Pinker: we humans have “some reliable notions about the distribution of middle sized objects around us.”

Our perception is limited. William Molyneux asked a question: if a man born blind can feel the differences between shapes such as spheres and cubes, could he, if given the ability to see, distinguish those objects by sight alone, in reference to the tactile schemata he already possessed?” The answer proved to be negative. For instance, a woman who gained sight at the age of 12 when she underwent surgery for dense bilateral congenital cataracts, could recognise family members by sight six months after surgery, but took up to a year to recognise most household objects purely by sight.

We benefit evolutionarily when only so much reality is revealed to us as allows us to survive and reproduce. It’s kind of like a computer screen with icons. We could never use a computer if we had to deal with electrical signals. We must have interface. The question is whether what we see is what we need to perceive for our survival (fitness) or whether it is the real reality we perceive.

But must fitness exclude truth?

Why do we see milky way, what value in fitness does it have to us? Hoffman answers: we misjudge distances to distant objects because they have low fitness payoff. What about mimicry: why nonpoisonous snakes evolve colouring to match poisonous snakes, if there is not objective reality to mimic?

Our limitations do not completely obscure reality. In real world it is crucial to make decisions in a timely manner. The upshot of this is that approximations which amount to falsehoods can be useful. However, this does not amount to a fundamental conflict between truth and fitness.
For example, we see just a part of the colour spectrum, but not infrared or ultraviolet. And surely our perception of light, colour and sound are just one mapping. But that does not mean they are completely orthogonal or uncorrelated with reality. Reality still shines through this filter. Scientific analysis, and measuring devices are not products of natural selection and evolution, so they do not have survival-oriented biases built into them. And mathematics and logic, equally are not evolutionary products, but axiomatic.

Fitness Beats Truth (FBT) is self refuting: if we cannot know anything about a world external to conscious minds, then how can Hoffman have found out that fact about just such a world? If perception of an external world is non-veridical, then so is any Hoffman theory built on it!

FBT relies on darwinism, which relies on evolution which proceeds in time. So either there is time or there is no evolution.

How can humans land spacecraft on the moon? By predicting what is in reality from theories, not by immediate perception. Does it further our fitness? Produce more offspring? The opposite is actually true: statistics show that the more we are learned the less children we produce.

Do you know you’re not in a dream?

Have you ever fallen from a great height in a dream? I have, many times. It did not kill me.

Part II: Matrix is easy breazy compared with Donald’s ideas. Spooky world of quantum physics

Lektura Posted on Fri, February 09, 2024 18:48:30

No moon?

It has been shown experimentally that time-space is doomed as the basis of physics. Time-space is just our idea of ​​the perceivable world. It does not apply beyond  10-33 m, which is not unimaginably small: a quark is 10-18 m.

Spooky action at a distance was demonstrated already in 1962.  Two electrons in the same quantum state (entangled), were thrown at a distance of 1280 m and measured along a randomly chosen axis at exactly the same moment, in order to rule out information transfer (which cannot happen at a speed higher than the speed of light). Later in 1998 Anton Zeilinger et al. (Nobel Prize in 2022) demonstrated quantum teleportation at a distance of 144 km between two Canary Islands, which is an instant transfer of quantum state through entanglement.

Kochen-Specker showed that neither position nor spin has any value that is independent of how it is measured. … or, measured at all! It was demonstrated in the double slit experiment. When particles are beamed through a single slit in a wall they produce a line pattern on the next wall as expected. 

What is the result when particles are beamed through a double slit? Two lines? Well it depends. Without any observers the pattern is that of a wave. 

What happens when we put up a camera to peep on the particles when they go through the slits? Same as above?

Well, not really:

What if we do not remove the camera but just unplug it?  Will particles notice this?

Yea, they do. So, after all, the moon is only there when we look?

It is only through mathematics that we can peep into the true real world, not the perceived one. Beckenstein and Hawking calculated the so-called holographic principle. Which do you think can code more information: a surface of a ball or the entire ball?

The surface. Surprised? Me too. But the principle shows that the fabric of spacetime as a 3D hologram is “projected” by 2D webs. Leonard Susskind ousts all our delusions: “The three-dimensional world of ordinary experience – the universe filled with galaxies, stars, planets, houses, boulders, and people – is a hologram, an image of reality coded on a distant two-dimensional surface.”

Hoffman’s Interface Theory of Perception postulates that space-time is our computer screen, that it does not exist without us – the viewer. 

Part I: Matrix is easy-breazy compared with Donald’s ideas (not that one). Buckle up! 

Lektura Posted on Fri, February 02, 2024 20:21:34

Donald Hoffman “The Case Against Reality

In sciences the Occam’s razor (not to be confused with Achmed’s razor) has been applied to eliminate research not following the belief that everything is essentially physical, also minds.

But now, the world of theoretical physics is boiling. Quantum mechanics cannot be formulated without taking an “observer” into account. Entanglement of matter has been experimentally proven: there actually is what Einstein called “a spooky action at a distance”!

Biosciences have a difficult time too. Despite abundance of research “no one has produced any plausible explanation on how the experience of redness or red could arise from the actions of the brain” (Crick and Koch, 2003). Not to mention the fantastic feeling of smooth velvet, or taste of chocolate! Recent research points towards our mind being elsewhere than in the brain. Patiens with transplanted hearts get the memories and preferences of their donors!

Enters Donald! Ta-dah!

If we are not able to move forward in sciences assuming the physical world, let us take the other assumption: it is the conscious world that is real. After all, it is what we experience daily. We do not have access to the physical world other than through our mind so let us try to derive it from the mind, i.e. consciousness. No additional assumptions are taken by Donald, unlike e.g. Platon who believes that physical world is somehow similar to what we perceive with our senses (shadows on the wall).  

No shadows – just a computer desktop

Our experience of reality is like a desktop of a computer. The truth is irrelevant:  electric impulses which lie behind the file I am saving as an icon would only be a distraction. So is it with the “real world”. Human task in evolution has been to survive and to have kids. Our senses evolved to cope with information that makes us fit to the task: as much as that and as little as that. 

Fitness Beats Truth FBT

Hoffman shows not only anecdotal evidence for his theorem Fitness Beats Truth. He has also proved it mathematically and made simulations which confirm FTB. His research team creates “conscious agents” which decide and take actions. If they have access to “truth”, i.e. knowledge of all possible states, they loose to those conscious agents which only access the states with better payoffs – i.e. increase their chance of survival. No wonder the latter survive, not the former. We not only need no knowledge of the real world, it is an obstacle in our actions. 

Is there a moon when I do not look at it?

Wolfgang Pauli, a genius that Einstein hoped would carry on as his successor, expressed his disdain for those not getting the gist of quantum physics: “One should no more rack one’s brain about the problem of whether something one cannot know anything about exists all the same, than about the ancient question of how many angels are able to sit on the point of a needle. But it seems to me that Einstein’s questions are ultimately always of this kind.”

To be continued …

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