Stare słowa mają nowe definicje. Faszysta to ten na kogo krytyce można zarobić lajki. Dziennikarz to osoba monetyzująca uwagę mas. Nowe znaczenia mają wyrazy takie jak: ćwierkać, śledzić, strona, skrzynka, poczta, domena, klucz do skrzynki, ikonka.
Oprócz tego są modniejsze wersje starych słów, np takich jak “ambaras”
Ludzie teraz na ASAP-ie muszą się spotykać z Executive Managerem na conference callu, potem pójść na briefing z CEO, naszkicować projekt na whitebordzie, podesłać draft eventu przed następnym brainstormingem i gdzieś in between znaleźć brake’a na lunch z friendem.
In Sweden: 1 works for 3: himself and 2 more. 1.8 million of 5.6 people in working age rely on welfare.
In Poland: 0,5 million of 17,4 million workforce needs welfare, i.e. 1 works for 1.2: himself and 0,2 more.
Economists in Sweden are worried that welfare state is slowly going down in Sweden.
Prof. Johan Eklund: “Sverige har en befolkning på 10 miljoner personer där 5,6 miljoner är i arbetsför ålder. Av dessa är 1,8 miljoner inte självförsörjande. Det innebär alltså att 1 person i Sverige försörjer 3 arbetsföra personer, sig själv och två till. … Jag tror inte på en samhällskollaps utan på en gradvis nedgång. Det här underminerar välfärdsstaten och på det området är jag pessimistisk.”
The Brazilian justice ordered X to block accounts of some opponents of the present regime. X responded that Judge de Moraes demands them to break Brazil’s own laws, so they cannot comply, upon which de Moraes ordered to block Starlink’s bank accounts. Using X will cost Brazilians a fine of 50000 reais (about 9000 dollars). Well, freedom of speech has got a price.
Perhaps better to come back. The book club “Bokklubben” will probably do it. We managed to open a branch here in a fantastic spot filled with modern art and modern technology, with the owner, Wojtek, nominated as our agent.
I shall not disclose the author yet. The author describes how leftist mentality has come to dominate in the western world. These are: collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. The two common psychological traits in these groups of people are the feeling of inferiority and hypersocialization. The latter is particularly characteristic of the intellectual elite. The present name for this mentality is woke, so this is the term I shall use instead.
Low self-esteem Words which are now forbidden had no derogatory connotations before: “negro”, “handicapped”, and many more. Negative connotations have been attached by the activists themselves, which discloses their own feelings that these groups are somehow inferior. It was not black ghetto-dwellers or disabled person that stigmatised the language, only the privileged intellectuals. Political correctness was created at the universities by people who did not feel themselves apt to compete, so they invented a venue for themselves as protectors of the weak.
They hate strong and successful, they hate white males, they hate rationality, etc. They say they hate the West because it is imperialistic, sexist, but these same faults appearing in primitive cultures are excused, e.g. feminists do not care about women in islam. They are driven by craving for power. Helping black people is not the real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power.
Have you noticed that some words are almost absent in main stream media: “self-confidence”, “self-reliance”, “initiative”, “enterprise”, “optimism”, etc., The dominant narrative is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. Society is to blame and to solve every problem.
Genetic explanations of human abilities or behaviour are rejected because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. The concepts of mental illness, or IQ tests are rejected. Society gets the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. The feelings of inferiority run so deep that one cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. One can feel strong only as a member of a large organisation or a mass movement.
Hypersocial Socialisation of children is training them to think and act as society demands. It would seem that wokes are rebels, but actually these are socially overtrained children who experience that their inner drives sometimes collide with what is demanded of society, which causes feelings of guilt. Wokes are always on high moral grounds and signalling virtue, because deep down inside they are just as any human being: sometimes feeling hatred, envy, drive for power, etc.
If they rebel, e.g. use violence, they justify their rebellion in terms of mainstream values: they engage in violence to fight against racism. The problems of the woke are indicative of the problems of our society as a whole. Low self- esteem, depressive tendencies and defeatism are not restricted to the left. Though they are especially noticeable in the left, they are widespread in our society. And today’s society tries to socialise us to a greater extent than any previous society. We are even told by experts how to eat, how to exercise, how to make love, how to raise our kids and so forth.
We can preach equality as much as we want but our psychological reality is social hierarchy. The difference is whether one tries to develop oneself to climb up the hierarchy, or pushes others down the ladder. The latter is the woke style.
Main stream media is the main culprit in all the riots in Europe. Whenever crimes are committed by immigrants the ethnicity of the perpetrators is never disclosed – not to raise racist attitudes. When Pakistanis beat up police at Manchester airport, media focused on police brutality, even if a policewoman got her nose broken. No wonder when they reported that the child killer in Southport was originally from Cardiff no one believed and the gossip started. It turned out the sick kid is a genuine Cardiffian – his parents came to England from Rwanda.
A Polish guy got shot in the presence of his son when he tried to oppose a gang selling narcotics to children in Stockholm. Swedish tv reported that he got in a quarrel with youngsters “Hamnade i konflikt med ungdomar” (got into conflict with youngsters). Everybody knows the ethnicity of these youngsters who terrorise people around, and are not persecuted, unlike “hate speech” directed against them.
The two tier policing overwhelmingly present in Europe is never disclosed by media. Douglas Murrey wrote that British police has not got a single burglar behind bars, but they eagerly imprison anybody who commits hate speech on FB. Who is really the aggressor in UK: muslim gangs or people who oppose them? A telling fact is that the so called right-wingers are now planting decoy protests in the UK and when the police arrive the only people they find are armed Islamist mobs who mobilized to attack the fake protests.
Musk and Trump had a normal conversation. I have never seen either Kamala or Joe have an earnest conversation like this.
Trump is not a stiff politician, he can joke. He said that immigration saved his life: he turned his head to point to a screen with an immigration diagram so the bullet hit his ear not his head.
He is not treated as a human being by media, derided in a similar way as Jews were. I am appalled by the depth of indoctrination against Trump. He is a Hitler. He staged his assassination to get supporters. Democracy will end with him in power. We have hate speech laws but they are never applied to the hate narrative promoted by the main stream media.
Ok, Trump is not ideal, he is narcissistic, he loves to boast, he is like that, so what? Perhaps he would not overdo it so much if he got credit for his achievements from main stream media. Was he a Hitler during his presidency? Did democracy end then? No. He kept in check all the dictators. He used blackmail or threat, and they did not start any new wars. Trump ended wars which Obama (Nobel Peace Price laureate) started. The result of 4 years of Joe and Co is global nuclear warming. Iran got richer, because China buys its oil, which was not possible under Trump who had agreement with China on oil embargo from Iran. Trump warned Germany that it was getting dependent on energy from Russia, and Nordstream was not opened until Joe came to power. Russia is now weaponised, has close relations with North Korea and China. The world has become much more dangerous place under sleepy Joe than it was under Trump Hitler.
His political priorities accord with the wish of his voters. He wants to stop people coming to US. It is only 4% of the Earth population and people are coming from 100% of the Earth. Venezuela is down 70% convicted criminals because they are deported to the open US border. Crime is on the rise, and at the same time if you try to stop a thief you’re a racist that should be arrested. Europe has been experiencing this for a long time. I wish I got similar people as Elon and Donald on team Sweden. They plan a “government efficiency commission” to cut down unnecessary government spending. Like the present Argentinian president.
I do not give a damn who Trump is – his political program is sound. But I am a stupid sheep.
Apparently IKEA does not believe that other than its Polish customers need to be educated. Hard core Polish catholics have not learnt politically correct language yet, so here it comes from IKEA – a lexicon of inclusive Polish. The ambition of IKEA is to eradicate:
homophobia – discrimination based on psychosexual orientation
transphobia – discrimination against transgender people
classism – discrimination based on socio-economic status
ableism – discrimination based on disability
ageism – discrimination based on age
romophobia – discrimination against people from the Roma community
First health issues. There are no psychically sick people (chory psychicznie) only “a person going through psychic crisis”. No autistic person (autystyk) only “a psychically different person”;. No deaf-mute persons only deaf, because a person is not mute if she-he can communicate with sign language. No midgets (karzeł) only short length person “osoba niskorosła”.
Now sex issues. There are no two sexes, only different sexes “różne płcie”.No sex change operations, only sex correction or coordination “korekcja lub uzgodnienie płci”. No alternative is provided for pervert “dewiant”, the word should not be used at all because there are no perverts any more. Different orientation “odmienna orientacja” is not proper because it suggests that heterosexualism is the norm – use psychosexual orientation instead “orientacja psychoseksualna”.
Ethnicity. Black person instead of negro “Murzyn”. Inuit instead of Eskimo. Indigenous people instead of Indians. “Rom” instead of Gypsy “Cygan”, and never use the verb “cyganić”!
Global issues. No third world countries “kraje trzeciego świata” only global north or global south. Never shit countries. Instead of migrant use “person with refugee experience or a person on a way” “osoba z doświadczeniem uchodźczym lub osoba w drodze”. Never use illegal migrant – no human being is illegal.
Finally age issues. The elderly deserve respect is a forbidden phrase. It should not be negative, but directed at younger people is a microaggression, because respect is due to every person, regardless of age. Do not use fledgeling “żółtodziób” only “beginner” “osoba początkująca”.
Dzisiaj więcej wydajemy na silikonowe biusty i wiagrę niż na badania nad Alzheimerem. Za 20 lat będziemy nadal mieć jędrne piersi i stójkę, ale nikt nie będzie wiedział po co.
Yesterday Swedish public tv news reported on the French parliamentary elections. Riots were expected because preliminary polls showed that the left side would loose. It turned out that it was the right that lost, hence the question was posed: should we expect riots then? The answer: absolutely not!
Lipiec 1976. Jedziemy tramwajem orient express na Angered, ja i Tadzik z Warszawy – studenci z Polski na saksach. Tadzik przystojny, rosły, prawie 2 m wzrostu. Niedaleko nas siedzi jakiś nastolatek i dźga nożem w siedzenie. Jesteśmy tu obcy więc patrzymy po innych pasażerach, ale nikt nie zwraca uwagi. Wreszcie Tadzik nie wytrzymuje i ruga po angielsku młokosa, i … ten przestaje dźgać.
Kwiecień 2024. Polski imigrant Michał jedzie rowerem ze swoim synem na pływalnię. Kiedy przejeżdżają przez tunel natykają się na grupę młokosów handlujących otwarcie narkotykami. Michał się zatrzymuje żeby ich obsztorcować. Jeden z młokosów wyciąga pistolet, Michał próbuje odebrać, dostaje strzał prosto w twarz.
W kraju woke i feminizmu nie ma autorytetów dla młodzieży. Szwecję łatwo przejęła mafia pochodzenia muzułmańskiego, nie było oporu – przecież ci złoczyńcy to ofiary niesprawiedliwości społecznej!
Moja Oda do Szwecji była niestety prorocza. Multikulti to oszustwo.
Chcemy tak jak dawniej Szwedzi tu budować dobry kraj. Władza twierdzi że to śmierdzi: buduj multikulti raj! Szwecjo jakże cię lubimy tu bezpieczny czuł się człek lecz teraz inne reżimy, multikulti nastał wiek.
Na razie wydaje się, że chyba lepszy jest terror mafijny niż komunistyczny, bo panuje na ulicach i to jeszcze nie wszystkich. Gorzej będzie jak przyjdą do domu.
Podpalili już dom, ten, w którym mieszkam – Szwecję. Co robić kiedy pod drzwiami staną, i nocą w drzwi załomocą? Czy ze snu podnosząc skroń, stanę u drzwi i chwycę za broń? Czy trzeba krwi?
Niewielkie to biuro się mieści we wnętrzu mego mieszkania przy Beznadziejnej czterdzieści, parter, wstęp bez pukania. Przychodzą tam po kolei albo po kilka osób, ci co nie mają nadziei na polepszenie losu.
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