Musk and Trump had a normal conversation. I have never seen either Kamala or Joe have an earnest conversation like this.

Trump is not a stiff politician, he can joke. He said that immigration saved his life: he turned his head to point to a screen with an immigration diagram so the bullet hit his ear not his head.
He is not treated as a human being by media, derided in a similar way as Jews were. I am appalled by the depth of indoctrination against Trump. He is a Hitler. He staged his assassination to get supporters. Democracy will end with him in power. We have hate speech laws but they are never applied to the hate narrative promoted by the main stream media.
Ok, Trump is not ideal, he is narcissistic, he loves to boast, he is like that, so what? Perhaps he would not overdo it so much if he got credit for his achievements from main stream media. Was he a Hitler during his presidency? Did democracy end then? No. He kept in check all the dictators. He used blackmail or threat, and they did not start any new wars. Trump ended wars which Obama (Nobel Peace Price laureate) started. The result of 4 years of Joe and Co is global nuclear warming. Iran got richer, because China buys its oil, which was not possible under Trump who had agreement with China on oil embargo from Iran. Trump warned Germany that it was getting dependent on energy from Russia, and Nordstream was not opened until Joe came to power. Russia is now weaponised, has close relations with North Korea and China. The world has become much more dangerous place under sleepy Joe than it was under Trump Hitler.
His political priorities accord with the wish of his voters. He wants to stop people coming to US. It is only 4% of the Earth population and people are coming from 100% of the Earth. Venezuela is down 70% convicted criminals because they are deported to the open US border. Crime is on the rise, and at the same time if you try to stop a thief you’re a racist that should be arrested. Europe has been experiencing this for a long time. I wish I got similar people as Elon and Donald on team Sweden. They plan a “government efficiency commission” to cut down unnecessary government spending. Like the present Argentinian president.
I do not give a damn who Trump is – his political program is sound. But I am a stupid sheep.