I shall not disclose the author yet. The author describes how leftist mentality has come to dominate in the western world. These are: collectivists, “politically correct” types, feminists, gay and disability activists, animal rights activists and the like. The two common psychological traits in these groups of people are the feeling of inferiority and hypersocialization. The latter is particularly characteristic of the intellectual elite. The present name for this mentality is woke, so this is the term I shall use instead.
Low self-esteem Words which are now forbidden had no derogatory connotations before: “negro”, “handicapped”, and many more. Negative connotations have been attached by the activists themselves, which discloses their own feelings that these groups are somehow inferior. It was not black ghetto-dwellers or disabled person that stigmatised the language, only the privileged intellectuals. Political correctness was created at the universities by people who did not feel themselves apt to compete, so they invented a venue for themselves as protectors of the weak.
They hate strong and successful, they hate white males, they hate rationality, etc. They say they hate the West because it is imperialistic, sexist, but these same faults appearing in primitive cultures are excused, e.g. feminists do not care about women in islam. They are driven by craving for power. Helping black people is not the real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power.
Have you noticed that some words are almost absent in main stream media: “self-confidence”, “self-reliance”, “initiative”, “enterprise”, “optimism”, etc., The dominant narrative is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. Society is to blame and to solve every problem.
Genetic explanations of human abilities or behaviour are rejected because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. The concepts of mental illness, or IQ tests are rejected. Society gets the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. The feelings of inferiority run so deep that one cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. One can feel strong only as a member of a large organisation or a mass movement.
Hypersocial Socialisation of children is training them to think and act as society demands. It would seem that wokes are rebels, but actually these are socially overtrained children who experience that their inner drives sometimes collide with what is demanded of society, which causes feelings of guilt. Wokes are always on high moral grounds and signalling virtue, because deep down inside they are just as any human being: sometimes feeling hatred, envy, drive for power, etc.
If they rebel, e.g. use violence, they justify their rebellion in terms of mainstream values: they engage in violence to fight against racism. The problems of the woke are indicative of the problems of our society as a whole. Low self- esteem, depressive tendencies and defeatism are not restricted to the left. Though they are especially noticeable in the left, they are widespread in our society. And today’s society tries to socialise us to a greater extent than any previous society. We are even told by experts how to eat, how to exercise, how to make love, how to raise our kids and so forth.
We can preach equality as much as we want but our psychological reality is social hierarchy. The difference is whether one tries to develop oneself to climb up the hierarchy, or pushes others down the ladder. The latter is the woke style.