Main stream media is the main culprit in all the riots in Europe. Whenever crimes are committed by immigrants the ethnicity of the perpetrators is never disclosed – not to raise racist attitudes. When Pakistanis beat up police at Manchester airport, media focused on police brutality, even if a policewoman got her nose broken. No wonder when they reported that the child killer in Southport was originally from Cardiff no one believed and the gossip started. It turned out the sick kid is a genuine Cardiffian – his parents came to England from Rwanda.
A Polish guy got shot in the presence of his son when he tried to oppose a gang selling narcotics to children in Stockholm. Swedish tv reported that he got in a quarrel with youngsters “Hamnade i konflikt med ungdomar” (got into conflict with youngsters). Everybody knows the ethnicity of these youngsters who terrorise people around, and are not persecuted, unlike “hate speech” directed against them.
The two tier policing overwhelmingly present in Europe is never disclosed by media. Douglas Murrey wrote that British police has not got a single burglar behind bars, but they eagerly imprison anybody who commits hate speech on FB. Who is really the aggressor in UK: muslim gangs or people who oppose them? A telling fact is that the so called right-wingers are now planting decoy protests in the UK and when the police arrive the only people they find are armed Islamist mobs who mobilized to attack the fake protests.