Having psychopathic characteristics is not wholly negative. Psychopaths tend to focus on the positive, they don’t take things personally; they don’t beat themselves up if things go wrong, even if they’re to blame. And they’re pretty cool under pressure. Those kinds of characteristics aren’t just important in the business arena, but also in everyday life.
Discover how much of a psychopath you are. Assign weighs to the following statements as follows:
0 strongly disagree, 1 disagree, 2 agree, 3 strongly agree
1. I rarely plan ahead
2 Cheating on partner is ok provided you do not get caught
3. If sth better comes along it is ok to cancel a long standing appointment
4. Seeing animal in pain does not bother me in the slightest
5. Driving fast cars riding roller coasters and skydiving appeal to me
6. It does not matter to me if I have to step on others to get what I want
7. I am very persuasive I have a talent to get other people to do what I want
8. I’d be good in the dangerous job because I can make up my mind very quickly
9. I find it easy to keep it together when others are cracking under pressure
10. If you are able to con sb that is their problem – they deserve it
11. Most of the time when things go wrong it is sb else’s fault not mine, do not pin this on me.
Before you look below for the estimation of the degree of your psychopathy, get some wise advice from Rumi

0-11 low, 12-17 below average, 18-22 average, 23-28 high, 28 – very high