Apparently IKEA does not believe that other than its Polish customers need to be educated. Hard core Polish catholics have not learnt  politically correct language yet,  so here it comes from IKEA – a lexicon of inclusive Polish. The ambition of IKEA  is to eradicate:

homophobia – discrimination based on psychosexual orientation 

transphobia – discrimination against transgender people 

classism – discrimination based on socio-economic status 

ableism – discrimination based on disability 

ageism – discrimination based on age 

romophobia – discrimination against people from the Roma community

First health issues. There are no psychically sick people (chory psychicznie) only “a person going through psychic crisis”. No autistic person (autystyk) only “a psychically different person”;. No deaf-mute persons only deaf, because a person is not mute if she-he can communicate with sign language. No midgets (karzeł) only short length person “osoba niskorosła”.  

Now sex issues. There are no two sexes, only different sexes “różne płcie”.No sex change operations, only sex correction or coordination “korekcja lub uzgodnienie płci”. No alternative is provided for pervert “dewiant”, the word should not be used at all because there are no perverts any more. Different orientation  “odmienna orientacja” is not proper because it suggests that heterosexualism is the norm – use psychosexual orientation instead “orientacja psychoseksualna”.

Ethnicity. Black person instead of negro “Murzyn”.  Inuit instead of Eskimo. Indigenous people instead of Indians. “Rom” instead of Gypsy “Cygan”, and never use the verb “cyganić”!

Global issues. No third world countries “kraje trzeciego świata” only global north or global south. Never shit countries.  Instead of migrant use “person with refugee experience  or a person on a way” “osoba z doświadczeniem uchodźczym lub osoba w drodze”. Never use illegal migrant – no human being is illegal.

Finally age issues. The elderly deserve respect is a forbidden phrase. It should not be negative, but directed at younger people is a microaggression, because respect is due to every person, regardless of age. Do not use fledgeling “żółtodziób” only  “beginner” “osoba początkująca”.