“Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge where there is no river.” Nikita Khrushchev

Właśnie odkryłam, że Al Gore podaje fałszywą interpretację faktów w swoim filmie o niewygodnej prawdzie. Przedstawia on paralelnie idące wykresy ocieplenia i zwiększonej ilości dwutlenku węgla, konkludując, że to właśnie CO2 powoduje ocieplenie. Klimatolodzy wcale nie są zgodni czy wcześniejsze jest ocieplenie czy zwiększony CO2, wielu naukowców pokazuje, że ocieplenie wyprzedza o ok. 800 lat zwiększenie CO2. To mniej więcej tak jakbyśmy mokrą trawę uczynili przyczyną deszczu, a nie deszcz przyczyną mokrej trawy. W związku z tak oczywistą dezinformacją zawartą w filmie Al Gore, wyświetlanie filmu w brytyjskich szkołach zostało zabronione wyrokiem sądowym, można go wyświetlać tylko pod warunkiem, że zaopatrzy się go w komentarze wykazujące 9 istotnych twierdzeń nie mających żadnego oparcia naukowego. Punkt nr 4 poniżej to właśnie zakwestionowanie relacji przyczynowo-skutkowej ocieplenie a CO2.

Wcale nie jest prawdą, że naukowcy są zgodni co do przyczyn ocieplenia. Czy wiecie czego uczą wasze dzieci w szwedzkich szkołach?

British High Court judge Michael Burton ruled that Gore’s global warming film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” while “broadly accurate,” contained at least nine significant errors. Burton found that screening the film in British secondary schools violated laws barring the promotion of partisan political views in the classroom. But he allowed the film to be shown on the condition that it is accompanied by guidance notes to balance Gore’s “one-sided” views, saying that the film’s “apocalyptic vision” was not an impartial analysis of climate change.

1.) The sea level will rise up to 20 feet because of the melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland in the near future. (This “Armageddon scenario” would only take place over thousands of years, the judge wrote.)

2.) Some low-lying Pacific islands have been so inundated with water that their citizens have all had to evacuate to New Zealand. (“There is no evidence of any such evacuation having yet happened.”)

3.) Global warming will shut down the “ocean conveyor,” by which the Gulf Stream moves across the North Atlantic to Western Europe. (According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, “it is very unlikely that the Ocean Conveyor will shut down in the future…”)

4.) There is a direct coincidence between the rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the rise in temperature over the last 650,000 years. (“Although there is general scientific agreement that there is a connection, the two graphs do not establish what Mr. Gore asserts.”)

5.) The disappearance of the snows on Mount Kilimanjaro is expressly attributable to global warming. (“However, it is common ground that, the scientific consensus is that it cannot be established that the recession of snows on Mount. Kilimanjaro is mainly attributable to human-induced climate change.”)

6.) The drying up of Lake Chad is a prime example of a catastrophic result of global warming. (“It is generally accepted that the evidence remains insufficient to establish such an attribution” and may be more likely the effect of population increase, overgrazing and regional climate variability.)

7.) Hurricane Katrina and the consequent devastation in New Orleans is because of global warming. (“It is common ground that there is insufficient evidence to show that.”)

8.) Polar bears are drowning because they have to swim long distances to find ice. (“The only scientific study that either side before me can find is one, which indicates that four polar bears have recently been found drowned because of a storm.”)

9.) Coral reefs all over the world are bleaching because of global warming and other factors. (“Separating the impacts of stresses due to climate change from other stresses, such as overfishing and pollution, was difficult.”)